Browsing All posts tagged under »Raw Foods«

Living Like A Raw Foodist : Junes holBOX

June 5, 2014


For the month of June holBOX will be focusing on the benefits of eating raw food by understand what raw foodist do to enjoy every bite they take. Our theme for June is : Living Like A Raw Foodist. For the rest of this month we will explore what a raw foodist is,  rules and […]

Your Quick Guide to Healthier Habits

January 9, 2014


Drink more Water: The body needs water everyday! If you’re thirsty, then you’re already dehydrated. Kept track of how much water you drink during the day.  We need water to help flush out toxins from our bodies and to cleanse our organs. It is vital!  (Avoid soda, alcohol and drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup.)    […]