What Is A Raw Foodist ?

Posted on June 9, 2014


Raw foodism (or rawism) is the dietary practice of eating only UNCOOKED and  UNPROCESSED  foods. Some may think that rawism is the same as living vegan, though they are similar but one rule draws a line between the two.


COMPARISON: Raw  vs. Vegan


A raw diet consists of NOTHING cooked, nor PROCESSED and primarily organic but not necessarily.A raw foodist would eat  fish as in sashimi, raw meat like carpaccio, and raw cheese, raw yogurt, and raw milks like from cows and goats whereas a vegan would eat none of the listed.


A vegan diet consists of plants (vegetables & fruits), grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and no animal products; meats, seafood, dairy, eggs, honey, and some sugars depending on how it’s processed. Living vegans allows for cooked  foods, vegans focus more on moral issues around animals and consuming foods produced from animals.


The main  premise of a raw foodist  is eating foods in their NATURAL STATE with no cooking which ultimately gives you the highest health benefits found in foods we consume.

 Raw Foodist Guiding Thought : Any food cooked above 116  degrees F starts to destroy enzymes in the food. Rawists will use dehydrators as there is some low heat but not enough to destroy enzymes. Enzymes assist in the digestion of foods.  They are known to be the “Life-Force” and or “energy” of food. There is no other animal on earth that cooks its food, and no other animal besides humans (and the animals we feed) experiences disease on the scale that we do. Heat changes the molecular structure of foods, making nutrients mostly UNUSABLE . Cooked and otherwise denatured or processed food is less digestible than raw food. Anything that is consumed that cannot be digested or stored must be eliminated as waste. Eating cooked food produces so much waste in the body that our eliminating organs can not keep up, and waste accumulates. It is this accumulation that results in disease. Raw food is almost entirely USABLE by the body, and provides all the nutrients that the body requires, as it does for all the other species of animals on the planet.


Why Should You Consider Eating Raw: Eating cooked food for an entire lifetime causes our digestive systems to build up protective barriers to prevent too much absorption of the harmful, denatured substances in cooked food. A diet of raw,  foods allows the body to slowly and naturally shed that protection, thereby increasing its ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients.


TIP- How To Developing A New Relationship with Food: Eating raw may seem tricky but eventually you will get the hang of it and eat raw becomes a part of your lifestyle. Fully embracing a  raw food diet requires one to develop a new relationship with food.For example: When one becomes hunger your body is merely telling you that it requires/demands nutrient-rich foods.


In addition hunger does not mean one should necessarily eat a meal your body can and will be satisfied  with one food at a time as each food requires a different chemical environment for digestion.


There are also different variations of a raw foodist, here are a few:

Raw Veganism

Raw Vegetarianism

Raw animal food diets

Sub Categories of Raw Foodist Include: 

– Fruitarian- people who consume mostly fruits fruits

– Sproutarian- people who consume mostly sprouts sprouts

– Juicearian – people who consume mostly fresh juice juice


There is still loads more to discuss about living raw but what we hope you take away from this post is that understanding what a raw foodist is and what ideas guides this lifestyle. Simply put a raw foodist eat only foods that are in it’s natural state!!! ( uncooked & unprocessed). A person who eats 75 percent or more raw food is considered a rawist, according to the Living and Raw Foods website.


Visit the holBOX blog daily throughout this month for topics relating to this subject- We are just getting started!

#junesholbox #eatinglikearawfoodist






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